Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Chapter 4 - Learn The Business - 3

Smith mentions that in order to be sucessful one must think like a consultant. Do you feel that over your internship you boosted your consulting abilites (mentioned on page 83-84)? How do you think these skills will benefit you next semester?

Chapter 4 - Learn The Business - 2

Smith talked about developing trust with business units / departments within a company. Do you find yourself going out of your way to satisfy certain group's requests? Does this impact your relationship with other groups?

Chapter 4 - Learn The Business - 1

Smith talks a lot regaring building relationships. How much time do you guys spend talking to others around the office on a given day? Is the conversation mostly related to the ongoing issues or does the conversation stray away to off topic? Do you believe that its a good idea to keep the conversation strictly related to tasks at hand? Why?